Buzzword talk – Big data

With NODERICKS, let’s talk about ‘Big data’ today. Big data is one among the most popular IT jargon today. As the name indicates, it means a massive amount of data (which is structured / unstructured). What is the importance of big data in today’s world?  Let’s see....

Buzzword talk – DevOps

AI, IoT, Bigdata, DevOps, Blockchain, Digital currency,… these are some of the IT buzzwords today. But as per our functional area/need, each one of us will be having different ideas about each of them. We, NODERICKS always have an eye for emerging & related...

Five 9’s and more …

99.999% up-time is the goal of any hosting service provider. As per theories in networking, 99.999% availability (Five 9’s) is associated with an yearly downtime of just 5minutes. Five 9’s is the highest possible efficiency for any hosting service provider resulting...

Business giants coming together for technological excellence

IT giants are coming together. This allows them to utilize cutting edge technologies with each other for technological excellence & to serve their clients to the best. We can see some of the very recent examples: VMware vCloud Air is now VMware vCloud Air powered...


Virtualization is the technology of creating virtual (digital replica of something real) version of  servers, storages, operating systems, network resources, etc.. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services – servers, storage, databases, networking,...