Security Threats

In computing, security threats are possibilities of danger that might exploit a vulnerability to breach security, causing damage. The vulnerability is the weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system’s information assurance; It occurs due to the presence of a system flaw, attacker’s...

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AWS vs Azure vs Google vs IBM Cloud, which is the best for me?

Cloud Computing is the delivery of on-demand computing resources (computer power, database storage, applications as well as other IT resources) over the internet. This is achieved by using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet rather than a local server/personal computer. A cloud...

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Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy and run applications using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. The application will run on...

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Container based and Kubernetes based PaaS

Containers have everything needed to run it – code, run-time, system tools, system libraries, and settings. It’s available for both Windows and Linux based applications. Containers are based on operation-level virtualisation rather than hardware-virtualisation. They are small and fast; one...

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Individual Hiring vs. Company Hiring

Organisational performance depends on team performance.  The team consists of individuals, which is the human capital of an organisation. Team performance is greatly determined by the individual contribution of its human capital. We can look at various aspects of individual vs company hiring in...

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White Label Support : an overview

In technology, White Label Support is the technical support given by a company (say, company A) for another company’s (say, company B) technical products / services; so that it appears that support is provided by company B itself. There are various ways in which white label support can be given....

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Buzzword talk – Digital Currency

Digital currency is the currency, which is only digitally available. Unlike traditional currency, instant transaction, as well as borderless ownership is possible in the digital currency. We can generalize digital currency types as Virtual currency as well as Crypto currency. Let’s have a look at...

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Live chat support – Is it really needed?

Live chat support is a high-end instant messenger. It is nothing but a web service software which allows businesses to communicate or chat in real time with their website visitors. It provides immediate customer support and has features like custom chat window, real time visitor monitoring, web...

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Finding a high quality dedicated technical support person

Every dedicated technical support company promises to provide 24/7 support, Lowest response time, Quick fixes,etc.. What makes them different is the quality of their technical support. The technical support team is the core asset of any dedicated technical support provider. To provide and maintain...

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