by admin | Jul 28, 2017
24/7/365 days a year! Our Sys Admins have been working hard to keep all systems up and running.Our system administrators have always played a vital role in making our client’s applications & servers working reliably and securely. It’s time for us to...
by admin | Jul 20, 2017
Have you been figuring out how to improve your Linux server’s networking performance? There are plenty of tweaks that can be done to optimize your Linux machine. Here, we are going to discuss one such tweak to decrease your DNS lookups by installing the...
by admin | Jul 4, 2017
Linus Torvalds says “4.12 Kernel is one of the bigger releases historically” 24.2 million “Lines of Code”, 15,000 source code changes Some of the notable highlight features of the latest Linux kernel 4.12 includes – ✦ The new...